You Can Experience
in 6 weeks
(Without the raging over-thinking, crippling indecisiveness, and panic-stricken “what if’s” that have been taking over your life for a long time)
If you’re a man, woman, busy parent, overwhelmed student, entrepreneur, or workaholic, who is consumed by overthinking, perfectionism, fear-based thoughts, and the need to control anything and everything, then you probably already know that you need to make a change in your life, right?
So, I’ll spare you the lecture!
No need to be a broken record and convince you of something that you likely already know.
After all, you probably already KNOW that there are many layers when it comes to treating anxiety that go beyond reframing your thoughts and breathing techniques.
You’ve probably also heard that there is no ONE WAY to treating anxiety because everyone’s experience is different. Therefore ignoring it, working harder, distracting more, or numbing yourself, are not the answers!
While it can feel completely debilitating, it’s completely normal—and healthy—to feel nervous and anxious at times. In fact, this makes you human. However, when anxiety appears for no apparent (known) reason, or is being created by your own fear-based thoughts making it difficult for you to function or be present, then your anxiety is no longer at the healthy level.
I have lost count of the number of people who have come to me who have “tried everything”, have been taking anxiety medication for years, or simply have concluded that they will likely have debilitating anxiety for life. It simply is not true. While it can feel that way, it’s possible to live symptom-free for a long period and live in a way that provides freedom and autonomy with greater levels of calm.
While you didn’t necessarily choose some (or many) of the life circumstances or stressors you have endured, you can choose how you are responding now. We set ourselves the goal of trying to avoid things that are out of our control, but there is freedom in choosing to face what we are experiencing and thus choosing what we are focusing on – which includes fear-based thoughts and limiting beliefs.

even though the reasons to get out
of the grips of anxiety are obvious,
the path forward can often seem

Am I ready for this? Yes!
…but, where the heck do I start?
Perhaps you have been here before. You have decided “enough is enough”, and were ready to dive in, but didn’t. Perhaps you did take the leap and now find yourself back here again, full of anxiety, stuck, overwhelmed, skeptical, apprehensive and wondering if there is even a point. Yet, here you are.
If you are feeling like you are super eager and ready to make a change, perhaps you have even done a bunch of research, or read the latest “heal your anxiety now!” book. Maybe you have even invested in other anxiety workshops or masterclasses assuring yourself you would use them in the allusive, yet mystical “someday”.
But, even with the best intentions, sometimes you end up abandoning your aspirations and ultimately yourself. Sometimes you believe things that are not true, rather than challenging these beliefs.
3 Anxiety Myths
And, how to prove them wrong!
Myth 01
It isn’t a real problem
(it’s all in your head)
Anxiety is a very real human emotion!
While experiencing anxiety from time to time makes you human, experiencing the type of anxiety that keeps you awake at night, leaves you feeling overwhelmed with panic, and overthinking your every interaction/decision/next move, is definitely a very real problem.
Myth 02
Avoidance is the solution
(distraction is key)
Avoidance does nothing more than temporarily take the edge off.
While alluring and providing immediate gratification, you have likely learned that whatever you are avoiding or distracting from will still be there when you return – and likely even bigger than before!
Myth 03
It will go away on its own
(it’s no big deal)
Deeply seeded fears, unhealed wounds, and limiting beliefs, often at the root of anxiety, do not simply go away on their own. These fears developed along your journey in life and are looking to be tended to.
Tending to the underlying fears is a necessary part of the work in order to experience freedom from anxiety. In fact, when we do this, we often find that we can learn from our fears, as opposed to being afraid of them.
….but here’s the thing
I want YOU to know
Despite the many myths, beliefs, and strategies that exist out there, they RARELY get to the root of anxiety. Instead, they focus on encouraging distraction, ignoring the underlying fears, and teaching you how to manage symptoms.
While some people may experience some relief from this, others (and I know YOU are one of them), want lasting change.
The truth is, many people eventually go back to their old ways (unhealthy ways of coping), because managing anxiety can be an exhausting process. But, it doesn’t have to be.
When you choose the path of deeper awareness and redefine your relationship with anxiety, you won’t spent the next couple of decades (or more) solely focusing on symptom management and gain real results – REAL FREEDOM. Instead, anxiety will become your teacher.
A teacher that allows you to achieve more freedom in your life, make decisions, set boundaries, exit unhealthy relationships, and show up for yourSELF in ways you NEVER have before.
The key ingredient to all of this is belief and trust that there can (and is) a different path forward.
And, with your permission, that’s what I’d love to share with you.

As a Registered Psychotherapist, Facilitator & Anxiety Warrior, I’ve spent the last decade working with individuals one-on-one, in groups, and online. I have taken everything I’ve learned, both professionally and personally, to create this online program, all while successfully treating hundreds of people for anxiety (and counting).

The freedom from anxiety program isn’t a symptom management program, it’s a life altering program

You will learn what is at the core of your anxiety, why it shows up, and where it shows up. More importantly, you will get a step-by-step program that deepens your awareness, shifts your limiting beliefs into empowered ones, and allows you to return to yourSELF.
The end result: A life where you are no longer ruled by your anxiety, but one where you can show up as you are, set boundaries, be present with yourself and others, tame the never-ending thought loop, and experience FREEDOM!
freedom from anxiety
is a unique program that….
is created with you in mind
It isn’t meant to be a quick fix kind of program. We all know those don’t work, right? Instead, it is created with over 10 years of experience in treating every kind of anxiety. You won’t get countless of modules with breathing strategies, while alluring on the surface, they aren’t the be-all-and-end-all of healing. Instead, you will feel like the program was tailored precisely to you and your needs, because it was!
takes you to the core
The most important first step to any change is awareness. Not only will you leave this program with a redefined relationship with anxiety, but you will develop self-awareness like you have never had before. It will be this awareness that will serve as an anchor and guide as you continue your journey.
develops your consciousness
Since FREEDOM FROM ANXIETY is about getting to the core, you will be getting your hands dirty! Throughout the program I have created many worksheets, self-reflections, and exercises, to help you go as deep as you possibly can and therefore leaving with a brand new conscious relationship with yourself and others.

Module 1
Anxiety Defined
This module is all about peeling back that first layer. Think of it as dipping your toes into the water. Here, you’ll start to really examine the relationship you’ve been having with anxiety and the thoughts and/or beliefs that have been keeping you stuck. You will begin to expand your awareness and feel confident that you are on track to a healthier version of yourself, one that doesn’t leave anxiety in the driver’s seat.
In this module we will…
Explore the many myths associated with anxiety that have been keeping you stuck, insert new beliefs to help propel you forward, while validating your very human experience.
Enhance your awareness through unpacking anxiety even further by making sense of what it is and what it is not.
Begin the process of redefining your relationship with anxiety through an in-depth self-reflection exercise and experiential on gratitude where you will begin to release your attachments to the grip anxiety has placed on you.

Module 2
The Truth About Anxiety
You’ll be getting more than just your toes wet in this module! Here you identify and define exactly how anxiety shows up in your day to day life. You will take a deep dive into your childhood (yes, I know) and life experiences up until now to make sense of why anxiety decided to make an appearance and how it was trying to serve you (or, protect you). We will then move into the concept of anxiety being a “choice” where you will develop a solid understanding around where and why you are “choosing” or “causing” anxiety. Having awareness around this is HUGE because this means you now have the opportunity to choose something different, rather than being on auto-pilot.
In this module we will…
Explore the many flavours of anxiety so you can identity the exact type of anxiety you experience while making sense of where it came from, why, and when.
A deep dive into your vulnerability where you will look at the ways in which you are choosing (or not choosing) anxiety where you will begin to unveil where you have willingly been giving away your power and how to get it back!
Embark on the ways you have been managing or coping with anxiety that may be making it worse and how you can shift these unhealthy coping strategies.

Module 3
The Brain & Body on Anxiety
One area that is often ignored when healing from anxiety is the body, brain, and nervous system which is ironic since most of the symptoms of anxiety impact all three of these areas. You will gain an in depth knowledge of exactly how these areas are impacted. In addition, you will be introduced to Somatic Experiencing where you will be taken through an experiential, as well as a couple of other techniques that can immediately calm the nervous system and alleviate symptoms of anxiety.
In this module we will…
Explore the many ways in which anxiety is impacting your brain, body & nervous system. You will be able to identify some of the symptoms and illness you are experiencing as stemming by anxiety and how alleviating anxiety can in turn reverse the ailments you presently have.
I will take you through a Somatic Experiential and teach you how to track and alleviate symptoms of anxiety in the body. This is gold! (and something you can continue to do on your own)
I will walk you through a self-holding exercise that has been scientifically proven to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and is another strategy you can take away with you.

Module 4
The Trap of Anxiety
You are fully immersed into the water in this module. Here we will review the many lifestyle factors that can heighten your symptoms of anxiety. You will walk away with some minor tweaks and/or additions that you can implement right away for a noticeable shift. In addition, we will hang out with avoidance and how it is the #1 trap when it comes to anxiety, yet the most alluring. Beyond that you will have a solid understanding of what you are avoiding in your life, your most common triggers, and most importantly the self-limiting belief(s) at the root of everything. The awareness and shifting you will experience from this module alone is beyond worth it!
In this module we will…
Look at the lifestyle factors and how you can immediately take the edge off of anxiety through some simply tweaks or additions to what you are putting into your body (or not).
Explore the ways that avoidance is perpetuating your symptoms.
A deep look into your triggers, while digging right into the core to identify what fear(s) are actually at the root of your anxiety, where they came from, and how to redefine them. This is a critical step!

Module 5
Getting out of the Trap
The views from this module are magnificent! You begin to see the shore before you as you start to make your way out of the trap you have been in for so long. You look at how and why you have been bracing and needing to be in control for so long. Here you will also be taken through my Fact versus Story technique where we will look at the incredible storyteller you are, but more importantly shifting these stories in such a way that they no longer perpetuate your anxious filled thought-loop. To help clear out your mind even more and create space for something new, you will be guided through a meditation on letting go and surrender, which is sure to leave you feeling like a weight has been lifted, because in essence it has!
In this module we will…
An in-depth look at the relationship between anxiety and control and how you can get back into the driver’s seat of your own life.
Look at where you are creating more anxiety in your life through my “Fact versus Story” technique.
Move through a guided meditation on letting go which will dig deep into your core and move through the grit that is no longer serving you so you can create space for the new!

Module 6
Stepping Into FREEDOM
Now that you have learned to swim and have made your way to the shore, you will be given the final tools you need to release the safety nets once and for all. Here you will confidently know what all the stages of recovery look like as well as have answers to some of the most common questions, such as “what if it comes back”. I will set you up with a supplementation and vitamin list to supercharge your recovery as well as leave you with a groundbreaking Manifestation Visualization that you will continue to practice in the weeks ahead. You leave this module experiencing yourself in a way that you never thought possible. You have taken control back of your life, decisions are easier to make, the racing thoughts no longer have a grip over you and you can breathe – and I mean REALLT breathe. Here, you experience FREEDOM.
In this module we will…
Explore the stages of recovery so that you know exactly what to expect and what to do beyond the program.
An experiential and guided self-practice that will alllow you to remove the safety net which has been enabling anxiety. You are ready to let go!
Explore the research proven ways you can supercharge your recovery through supplementation and vitamins.
Learn breathing techniques as well as a groundbreaking Manifestation Visualization!
Let me be transparent and say this upfront.
Freedom From Anxiety Program is one of the most comprehensive, take-you-to-the-core kind of programs avaliable. Therefore it is for people who are eager, COMMITTED, and willing to make some serious changes in thier life.
The program is filled with self-reflection exercises, worksheets, and experientials that will help you safely and confidently work your way to a new sense of FREEDOM. In addition, you will have access to a private community of other people who are navigating thier way through the same (or similar things) as you are. You will access to this additional support.
Now here’s the kicker.
You will have 14 days after the time of purchase to receive a full refund. If you do not feel totally confident or fully committed to the program or yourSELF at this point and decide that this program is not for you, simply reach out to me directly, show me the work you have done up until that point, and I will refund you your FULL investment no questions asked.
Here’s what you get when you enroll today
Freedom From Anxiety Program – Total Value $799
Bonus 1: Private, Members Only Online Group – Total Value $99
Bonus 2: Weekly LIVE Q&A sessions with me! – Total Value $399
That’s a total value of $1,295
But, when you enroll today you get access to everything above for just:
2 Payments of:
1 Payment of:

(or, maybe even a little scared)
freedom from anxiety IS THE PEFECT PROGRAM FOR YOU IF…
You have invested time, resources, and effort into other ways of managing or coping with your anxiety without experiencing lasting results. You know that you need to go beyond “quick-fixes” and do it the right way this time.
The discomfort you are feeling (overwhelm, racing thoughts, trouble breathing, panic, sweats, brain fog) has become both debilitating at times and a massive hinderance in your day-to-day life. You are not willing to continue on this way.
The process of simply managing or coping with your anxiety symptoms, avoiding, and staying in unhealthy relationships is simply exhausting at this point and you are at capacity and know that you need to stop spinning your wheels and take the next step.
You have no problem committing a couple hours per week as long as you know that every bit of energy you invest is a meaningful step forward towards redefining your relationship with anxiety and experiencing freedom from debilitating symptoms.
From reading blogs, articles, dropping truth bombs on social media, reading books, and/or attending workshops or support groups, perhaps other things you keep hearing you “should” be doing. Only problem is, without a path and some accountability along the way, you end up feeling defeated and overwhelmed around what to do next.
You cannot imagine experiencing your life, yourself, your relationships, and the world around this time next year, or even five years from now.
Even though you have fallen off track in the past, or perhaps tried many things that simply were not a good fit for you, there is a big part of you that is experiencing a wave of renewed optimism and hope right now knowing that you can very well be on your way to follow a well thought out and designed program that will help guide you to where you want (and need) to be.
It’s simple. Either you embark on this journey and make some radical shifts which will ultimately direct the relationship you have both yourSELF and others, or you don’t and they stay the same. What you do know is that you no longer want to take the bystander role in your life, while anxiety has taken control of the wheel.
If you said yes to at least 3 of the above, Then you OWE YOURSELF an opportunity to get out from under the grip of anxiety by joining the FREEDOM FROM ANIXIETY PROGRAM today.