

That moment when you know everything is about to change.

That moment when you feel both terrified and excited interchangeably.

That moment when you want to quit, but muster up the strength and courage to keep going.

That moment in which you choose to be vulnerable and embrace your fear.

That moment when you decide to be honest with yourself.

That moment when you are not afraid to fall…


We have all encountered moments in life where suddenly, without warning, everything changes.  Some change is completely unwanted.  For example, when we learn of an unexpected crisis or a encounter a sudden loss, we may not be ready or willing to embrace the impact this sudden loss (and change) will have on our life.  We may not be ready to just let go and/or accept the way in which our life has changed without warning. When the rug is suddenly pulled from beneath our feat, we are met with one of our biggest fears – the fear of uncertainty.  That being said, while uncertainty is something we fear, it is also one of our top human needs.  We both fear it, yet we need it.


On the other hand, there are other moments that arrive unannounced, which can also change our life in a big way.  These moments may bring with them excitement and a renewed sense of hope.  For example, this may be the moment when your child was born, or perhaps when you decided to go back to school.  This could be the moment when you knew what you were put on earth to do, or when you embarked on writing a book. This could be the moment when someone entered into your life unannounced and suddenly everything changed.  This could be the moment when you realized you were falling in love.  Of course, these things can also bring with them tremendous fear and uncertainty, but are they worth the risk?  Can you think of a moment or moments in your life when suddenly everything changed? Notice what is coming up for you now as you think about this.


Sometimes we think that monumental change is something that only happens over time, perhaps in a gradual progression. While this it sometimes true, it is not always the case.  There are times when profound and lasting change can happen in a moment.  It can be in a simple word, experience, or encounter.  It can be seconds long, yet something within you immediately shifts.  You feel different and in that moment everything changes. Perhaps you are feeling so strongly about something and moments later you feel quite the opposite. Perhaps you feel like you are on the right path and then all of a sudden something transpires which leaves you in a state of wondering.


In my practice I have seen how  love and connection can change a person.  I have experienced how a chance encounter with someone can greatly impact you in such an unexpected way.  Take the notion of falling in love as an example. The moment when you realize you are falling in love can can be the most exciting and terrifying moment of your life. It is often described to me as a “moment when everything changed”.  Falling in love with someone can be scary because it is completely out of your control.  It is unplanned and often enters your life unannounced.  So, what do you do?  Do you allow it in or block it from happening? I suppose this depends on several factors, such as: fear, safety, trust, past hurt, and the need for certainty. At the end of the day, the heart wants what the heart wants. If you simply allow yourself to be changed, you may experience some pretty phenomenal things.  Often embracing changes involves the process of letting go.


Letting go of all the past hurt you endured

Letting go of the notion that you are going to get hurt again.

Letting go of fear.

Letting go of the need for certainty and making room for a little uncertainty.


These can be difficult things to let go of because they are part of your experience. However, if we constantly live in the past, we leave no room for the present.  If we do not leave any room for the present we limit so many possibilities for our future.


In essence, we will all experience moments that change us in some way. Some of the best moments in our life come from doing that which scares us the most.


Perhaps, instead of being afraid of things changing, we should be more afraid that they continue to stay the same..




Leanne Sawchuk, Registered Psychotherapist

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