You either walk inside your story and own it or you stand outside your story & hustle for your worthiness. -Brene Brown.

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Vulnerability Is Strength

  What feelings and/or thoughts come up for you when you imagine being vulnerable? How do you define vulnerability? As I am writing this, I am recalling a moment which I am quite certain I will never forget. Someone, whom I value and look up to very much, looked...

I Forgive You

  Society tells us that we need to be able to forgive so that we can let something go and move on.  It sounds so simple, doesn’t it? Perhaps right now you are thinking about someone who has hurt you.  Someone who has abandoned you. Someone who has betrayed...

Fear of Happiness: Is it Real?

Perhaps you are already having mixed feelings after merely reading the title of this post.  I mean, does the fear of happiness really exist? I can confidently respond with a ‘yes’. As a Psychotherapist, I work with my clients to  peel away at the layers...
Leanne Sawchuk, Registered Psychotherapist

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